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Datum objave: 30.04.2024
Datum objave: 30.04.2024
Datum objave: 30.04.2024
History of the portal: Slo-podnapisi.net
Slo-podnapisi.net is a slovenian web portal with slovenian, croatian and english subtitles and a large database of movies, series and other fields of the film world. The website also owns a slovenian film base imdb.slo-podnapisi.net. The portal was launched in July 2005, a major renovation has experienced in summer 2012, when he got a new look and some new features for user management page. In 2014 it got a new page with added Croatian and English subtitles. The portal contains a number of sections from news and articles to the forum where users can discuss subtitles, movies, series, computer, consumer electronics, television, and many other things.

The portal also has guides, in which established members of other portal teach users how to edit subtitles, how to translate subtitles for the movie or series and on what they have to pay attention and like. The portal also has the scale of the most wanted and most downloaded subtitles, the subtitle list, ranking top-rated subtitles, a section with news from the world of film, television and entertainment electronics.
Objavil: VitaminPoslano:29.07.2014Vir:klik